The Emerald Queen

The gods are dead.

Their age-old reign destroyed by sorcery and war. A young queen must steer her people through the wreckage left behind. Queen Ariane trusts her dreams, so listens when a sorceress calls out to her from the void. Ysaren warns the queen must find her missing cousin, Lord Tamersane who vanished after the war. Feared lost in the hostile City of the Clouds. He alone has the strength to wield the legendary bow of Kerasheva against the power-crazed emperor of Ptarni.Determined, Ariane sends Captain Garland to find her lost kinsman deep in the heart of enemy country. But Garland and his men vanish in a maze of witchcraft, illusion and treachery. Ariane worries she has sent them to their death. Now she must conquer her own demons before she can face this new enemy head-on. The Emerald Queen is volume seven in the epic fantasy series Legends of Ansu. If you like gritty characters, magic and mystery, woven into witty dialogue and fast-paced plot, then you going to love this latest book by JW Webb.Pick up The Emerald Queen to discover this exciting new series today.



Find out where The Journeyman Trilogy falls in the history of Ansu

Learn more about the characters in The Legends of Ansu

Delve into the myths of Ansu

Get to know the gods of Ansu

The Voyage of Carlo Sarfe

Sailor Carlo Sarfe has lost everything. The woman he loved gone forever.

His home lies shrouded in the mists of time. Worse, the Sea God vows to destroy it. He needs to get back there and warn his people. But how, when he’s stuck here in the future? Warrior Queen, Ariane tires of petty courtroom dramas. She needs a new challenge to regain her youth. When an old servant brings dire news from the High King. She accepts his call for action. The queen must sail east beyond the world’s rim. Find Carlo Sarfe and stop him reaching his legendary home in the past. Should he do so, everything in her time will be lost. Garland, Queen Ariane’s stray captain harbors dreams of a happy life with Marei. Her realm escaped the wars. But when strangers arrive in her inn, he knows that’s a forlorn hope. They’ve kidnapped her son’s baby. Once again, battle weary Garland must take up his sword and enter the mind-bending confines of the terrible Graywash Hall. Three pawns paraded by vengeful gods. The Queen, her captain, and the sailor. All must endure a voyage into and beyond the realms of mortals.

The Sea God’s Woman

Journey’s End. The final countdown… Seven lost souls face off against the rising storm…

Becalmed on alien seas, Ariane offers herself up to the sea god, fulfilling the vow she broke years before. But will her sacrifice be enough to save their ship and country?

Sir Garland and company enter alien territory in their chase against time and the terrifying keeper of Graywash Hall. The Journeyman knows that only one thing can save them against the Shadowman’s Orb.

The Emerald Bow – Kerasheva.

But that’s in the hands of his thief, Keel the jester.

The Sea God’s Woman concludes the Journeyman Trilogy as our heroes plunge deep into the ocean’s depths and beyond the void in a helter-skelter dance of demons and deviltry: a race to stop oblivion at the end of time.

The Journeyman Trilogy

The gods are dead. Their age-old reign destroyed by sorcery and war. Queen Ariane must steer her people through the wreckage left behind.

Seeking answers, she sends her journeyman, Sir Garland, to find help from her lost cousin last seen deep in the heart of enemy country. But Garland and his men soon vanish in a maze of witchcraft, illusion, and treachery.

The Journeyman Trilogy combines the novels: The Emerald Queen, The Voyage of Carlo Sarfe, and The Sea God’s Woman in one explosive volume brimmed with swords and sorcery, demons and deviltry. Shedding shades on heroism, fate and what lies beyond.

Pick up this latest epic saga and follow a darker path in the ongoing Legends of Ansu series.