The Legends of Ansu

Book Series

Dawn of Legends Tetralogy

The Rebel Goddess

Imagine you’re immortal. Can do anything and everything you want. Pretty cool, hey? Well … maybe. In Archer’s Moon, we go right back to the beginning. When the virgin planet Ansu was fresh on the table, served up by the Weaver of Worlds as a model realm––a dazzling show planet hosted by High Gods, the Faen, and other such lofty faerie folk. Way back when the grubby newcomers had just arrived. Those pesky humans. In the dreamy days of their first empire: Zorne.

Bored goddess Argonwui, aka Aggy, spends her hours gazing down from high Laras Lassladen on the spinning world below. Rebellious and mischievous, the young deity deems Ansu worth a sly visit. A little secret she’d keep to herself, lest her mother, Elanion, the High Goddess and Ansu’s current Guardian find out. And that simply wouldn’t do.

I’ll just pop down and look. A brief foray. Beats staying up here counting the years with nothing of interest to do …

The Mercenary Trilogy

Big Sword, Bad Attitude – A Warrior’s Wayward Destiny.

His parents murdered, and childhood obliterated, Corin an Fol joins the wild Wolf Regiment and immediately falls foul of its brutal Swordmaster, Taskala. The situation soon spirals out of control, sparking off an epic adventure comprising revenge, loathing, lust, and love – charting Corin’s journey from childhood dreamer to lethal warrior. The Mercenary Trilogy tells of Corin’s early days before his continuing adventures in The Crystal Crown Trilogy.

The Crystal Crown Trilogy

The Fates Have Chosen Him.

His parents murdered by raiders and his childhood love lost to drinking and wildness, Corin an Fol’s only desire is to escape his troubled past. But the meddling gods have other ideas for this former mercenary and rebel. The Witch at the Ford urges Corin seek out his ‘real’ father in the mountains, and on returning to his village, Corin finds Silon the Merchant waiting for him with dire news of the High King’s death and the loss of his Crystal Crown.

Set against Corin are spirits, goblins, dragons, sorcerers, rival mercenaries, and worst of all, Caswallon’s ace hand — the master assassin Rael of Crenna. Aided by Queen Ariane’s champion and the giant, Barin, Corin an Fol must journey over land and sea, cross dimensions and fight numerous foes before he is ready to face his nemesis at Laras Lassladden the island that shifts through space and time.

The Journeyman Trilogy

The Gods are Dead.

Their age-old reign destroyed by sorcery and war. A young queen must steer her people through the wreckage left behind. Queen Ariane trusts her dreams, so listens when a sorceress calls out to her from the void. Ysaren warns the queen must find her missing cousin, Lord Tamersane who vanished after the war. Feared lost in the hostile City of the Clouds. He alone has the strength to wield the legendary bow of Kerasheva against the power-crazed emperor of Ptarni. Determined, Ariane sends Captain Garland to find her lost kinsman deep in the heart of enemy country. But Garland and his men vanish in a maze of witchcraft, illusion and treachery. Ariane worries she has sent them to their death. Now she must conquer her own demons before she can face this new enemy head-on. The Emerald Queen is volume seven in the epic fantasy series Legends of Ansu. If you like gritty characters, magic and mystery, woven into witty dialogue and fast-paced plot, then you going to love this latest book by JW Webb. Pick up The Emerald Queen to discover this exciting new series today.

The Berserker Trilogy

An eye for an eye is the warrior’s way.

And that wretched witch killed his father…

Jaran Saerk lets vengeful wrath guide his blade. As scarred in youth by his dad’s murder as he is by battle now, the much-feared Northman berserker has grown into a master of meting out death. But his latest victim spills more than his dying guts when he reveals clues to the deadly sorceress Jaran vowed to make pay.

The Slayer Trilogy

She’ll keep him safe at any cost. He’ll make the kill at a moment’s notice.

When destiny calls, whose heads will roll?

Arraleen Caze’s rage knows no bounds. Quick to feed enemies to her pet panthers, the wealthy spymaster’s daughter is appalled when fools call for the destruction of her missing father’s land and the deaths of their people. So when her parent reappears, the arrogant assassin whisks him away from the impending carnage to plan their bloody revenge.

Gujun the Slayer’s options are rapidly shrinking. On the run after offing the vile emperor that hired him, the killers on his trail leave little room for rest. And with his hopes of an easy retirement now well out of reach, he has no qualms accepting a bounty for the infamous spymaster’s decapitation.

Escaping into neutral territory with her father in tow, Arraleen is incensed when they are double-crossed and given up to a powerful sorcerer. And the closer Gujun draws to his quarry, the more he wonders if he’s on the side of good or evil.

As fate dooms the two to fight blade-to-blade, will either emerge unscathed?

Books Outside the Legends of Ansu Series

The Haven: A Cornish Ghost Story

She is waiting by the water’s edge.

When Richard and Kate Harrison venture exhausted into The Haven (a quiet Cornish cove) they happen upon strange events. Richard – unhappy and lost – is haunted by the vision of a beautiful stranger. Fascinated and obsessed, he is soon ensnared in a very dangerous game. Nothing is as it seems, the past has returned to take hold over the present. Their marriage falling apart, Kate and Richard watch their world dissolve as spiralling events threaten their very existence.

The deeper Richard digs into the Haven’s dark secret the more trapped he becomes. Only Kate can save him from this course of self destruction – but does she care, or is she just another player in the game? Meanwhile the Maid of Haven waits down on the beach alone – knowing that the time for her revenge draws nearer. It is for you that she waits…