J.W. Webb Blog

A writer’s journey

To explain this mad affliction I have to go back to the very beginning. You see, I grew up with trolls goblins and such - Tolkien's fault (oh, and Narnia - I lived in a world of magic from age 9 onwards, even a spell in the Guards couldn't drive it away completely.) But to create your own world? Pour life into wonderful and ghastly creatures - oh what sorcery is that! So a writer I had to be. Easy...? No.That [...]

2024-01-19T16:10:20-05:00Author Updates|

Pre-blog and a Happy New Year!!

Welcome to James Webb’s blog site.  I shall be entering my first post on Fri 4thJan at 6pm, and will certainly be inviting any who wish so to comment. The blog content will shed light on the trials and challenges of being a fantasy writer in the 21st Century.  I will be explaining more about my ongoing series ‘Legends of Ansu’ and my other writing projects, but also narrating the story of how I first happened upon Corin An Fol (the [...]

2024-01-19T16:10:13-05:00Author Updates|

Arraleen Caze

Spymaster’s daughter and trained assassin. Feared and known for her bad temper among the servants. But she’s fiercely loyal to her father, Tulomon Caze and Vendel. After he falls from favor, she flees with him into the wilderness. Throughout her harrowing travels, Arraleen learns how she’s connected to the goddess, Argonwui, who she knows as Agarra the Cruel. Though on the surface she’s a cold-hearted killer, Arraleen discovers a softer side and takes a stand against the Sangala, the real [...]

Gujun the Slayer

Ex-gang member. Once the leader of the Silver Slayers, but now on the run. Wanted in Shen. Gujun did the traitor Magister Chulan’s wet work. A crafty killer and survivor. He finds himself at odds with Arraleen Caze and just about everyone else. As events pass and somehow, he keeps his head on his shoulders, Gujun discovers more about the world he lives in and learns, against all odds, to love.


Gujun’s friend. An ex gladiator from Golt, Grodu, serves Ulani III, the Yamondon king, as a spy. He met Gujun in Laregoza and becomes his ally. Has a reputation for always being in trouble.


Also known as Kanny. Observant tavern girl who works as a spy for Genza’s enemy, Cama. Kanny becomes Gujun’s best friend and confidante. She finds herself embroiled in the war between Ran Genza and the Laregozans under Cama. She discovers the waif, Saryna, while lost in the wild. A strange occurrence which alters the course of her life.

Jaran Saerk

Jaran is an exile from Valkador and serves in the Sapphire Guard, a renowned regiment of Northmen in the Shen army. He keeps himself to himself but is terrible when roused. A berserker, feared on the battlefield. Becomes a legend among his comrades. A loner. This all changes when he discovers a witch has stolen his inheritance and murdered his father.

Savarna Eltayn

Born of Rundali nobility, Savarna and her twin Vian are both gifted killers. After the fall and ruin of their house, she’s captured but escapes and eventually allies herself with Jaran Saerk against the Ice Witch Sheega. She becomes his lover. Fiercely determined, Savarna’s half Aikashi and possesses a tiger spirit. Like her brother, she’s easily recognised for her bright red hair.

Vian Eltayn

Whereas his sister is fierce and proud, Vian’s quieter. Calm and measured. But just as lethal. A mystic and musician. Also, half Aikashi. Dragon spirit. Vian’s love and loss of Empress Rasnei finds him traveling through the dimensions. A time shifter. He is one of the few characters to feature in most the books.

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