Archer’s Moon

A New Legend for a New Year––Archer’s Moon is Coming Soon.

The Rebel Goddess Imagine you’re immortal. Can do anything and everything you want. Pretty cool, hey? Well ... maybe. In Archer’s Moon, we go right back to the beginning. When the virgin planet Ansu was fresh on the table, served up by the Weaver of Worlds as a model realm––a dazzling show planet hosted by High Gods, the Faen, and other such lofty faerie folk. Way back when the grubby newcomers had just arrived. Those pesky humans. In the dreamy [...]

Music & the Muse – Reflections in the Misty Waters

Glancing back First up, apologies for the long gap! It's been over a year since last I scribbled random thoughts on this blog. There are reasons. 2022 was not kind to us, and I'll not delve into that here. But the power of positivity shines through if one allows. And as Mercury spins retro this New Year, it seems a good time to focus on inspirations looking forward and back. Love will always shine through, even in the darkest of [...]

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