Some Clarity On Corin’s Journey Through The Decades

It started back in 2001, (actually before then – but we’ll commence with that year, the first of this hazy millennium.) Corin was around somewhere, his faint outline scribbled on biro, sometimes pencil, along with maps of his world – the continuously evolving Ansu.

Back then, Corin was just a mournful dude walking through a wood at night, strange creepy things following, and owls and stuff – always owls and stuff. I added a nonce of Celtic/Norse myth, a vague Tolkien verve that eventually hardened to a GRR Martin vibe, as Corin and Co developed serious attitude.

Two decades later Corin has his own series comprising two trilogies. Both form a key part of the bigger series – Legends of Ansu. How the …. did that happen? Long story…

This is where I try to explain 🙂

The forthcoming book (out later this month) Wolves and Assassins concludes the Mercenary Trilogy – Corin’s pre Crystal Crown adventures, which commenced with Gray Wolf. I’m working backwards here – Corin’s original novel was The Shattered Crown, now (almost) Book 4 in the series, and Book 1 – The Crystal Crown Trilogy. Yes, I know – I’ve got a headache now too…

I needed to shed light on this warrior’s contorted path, get some kind of compass, and him out from those murky woods. Gray Wolf started that process but wasn’t enough. Corin’s backstory morphed into three novels.

Enough about bloody Corin – What else is there?

Yes, I know – he doesn’t let go easily. Well … we have Gol – The Series prequel set 1000 years earlier. The Emerald Queen, a spinoff featuring one of Corin’s pals and set 7 years after The Crystal Crown Trilogy. EQ will also be a trilogy eeeeeeeventually…

Finally, there is The Crimson Lady, a (brand-spanking-new) short story only available at my newsletter – The JWWEBB VIP LOUNGE. You can subscribe here to get Crimson FREE:

So we’re almost done. Looking forward there’s another trilogy starting next year – set 1000 years after Corin’s time. First draft underway. Life is busy! More on this soon, haha!

So that’s the series order dealt with. But the road has forked again – Corin has a voice. DEEP. The first two audio books have just been released on Gray Wolf and Legends of the Longsword are only the start. All Corin’s tales will soon be available in audio format. Narrated by the superb Andrew McDermott, whose soft Irish brogue is well suited to the Celtic flavour of this epic fantasy series. You can view the books by clicking the header image at the top or via these links: and

Finally to quote Bilbo Baggins: ‘The Road Goes Ever On.” The journey has been arduous, grueling, long, and often pure magic – though sprinkled with sorrow for those lost along the way. Thanks for being here. I do hope you’ll stick around for the next few years 🙂

All the best!

JWW. October 4th 2019.