Author Updates

Tiger, Bear, and Dragon!

Do you believe in spirit animals? Many ancient cultures did. And why not? More's hidden than seen in this life. What if shapeshifters live amongst us still––individuals with the ability to change from person to beast, or bird, and then shift back again without detection? Useful, huh, if you could master without calamity or malfunction! Stressful, too, I would imagine. I've dabbled with this concept in my new novel, Blood Feud. I have three characters with these particular skills, which I'd like [...]

2025-01-23T15:23:01-05:00Author Updates|

Whispers in the Wind The Rise Of The Audio Book I love books, always have. Logical that for a writer, I suppose. But recently I've found less time for reading. There are so many distractions these days. Everyone is busy, moving around, the phone buzzing, emails pinging, apps updating, new shows on Netflix––always something else tugging your sleeve for attention when you reach for that kindle. Not to mention the demon cat swinging from the Christmas tree. Yes, it's that time of year [...]

2025-01-23T15:22:56-05:00Author Updates|

Otherworldly Murmers – The Darkness Rises From Within

Glimmer-Realms and Echoes Halloween, or rather All Hallows Eve is the gateway into the other side. The place we cannot go until it's our time to pass, and then can never return––except by shadow-visit or brief haunting glimpse. That chill whisper down a windy tunnel as you wait for a night train. The white shape floating at the edge of your vision. Hints and hunches. The cold warning tingle running down your back. All are echoes and glimmers of that [...]

2025-01-23T15:22:52-05:00Author Updates|

The Voice of the Warrior

Some Clarity On Corin's Journey Through The Decades It started back in 2001, (actually before then - but we'll commence with that year, the first of this hazy millennium.) Corin was around somewhere, his faint outline scribbled on biro, sometimes pencil, along with maps of his world - the continuously evolving Ansu. Back then, Corin was just a mournful dude walking through a wood at night, strange creepy things following, and owls and stuff - always owls and stuff. I [...]

2025-01-23T15:22:50-05:00Author Updates|

Inside the Mirror

A Tale of Witchery, Enchantment and loss Today I want to shed a little extra light on the new release-- The Emerald Queen, which is now available for purchase as an eBook on and and will be available with other retailers soon, and as a paperback. I've also got a taster at the end of this post. Okay- So what's this one about? Legends of Ansu #7 is a tale of entanglement and deception, war and treachery. Seven years have [...]

2025-01-23T15:22:46-05:00Author Updates|

The Enchantress by the lake

A Taste of what's come... My new novel The Emerald Queen will be available in two weeks. With that in mind I decided to divert from my usual fantasy/myth subjects, and share a snippet from the new book. And, there's more coming... The next book in the series, The Legends of the Longsword, will be available on January 10th––so I'll be sharing a scene from that one in a few weeks. Book 2 in the new Mercenary Trilogy stars Corin [...]

2025-01-23T15:22:43-05:00Author Updates|

Land of Myth

And Celtic Dreams I used to drive a milk tanker at night, and through early mornings, leave the depot on Bodmin Moor in a veil of mist and murk, drive for two hours until I reached the rugged lands surrounding Lands End, and St Michael's Mount (Pictured below.) A different life, a distant time. Driving through that land was like dipping your toes in another realm. The dairies were remote, tucked away in deep forgotten corners. Old granite farmhouses that have [...]

2025-01-23T15:22:40-05:00Author Updates|

Way Back Then

Another Time, Another Place... Those words come from an art piece featuring The Rolling Stones by Rodney Matthews whose stunning work can be viewed from his new website here For me the words also convey a deeper mood, a memory of a time, quite recent –– yet so very long ago. I'm talking about the 1970's. No cellphones, no wi-fi, and no emails or blogs like this one. Truly... 'Another Time, Another Place.' As a teenager back then, and an avid [...]

2025-01-23T15:22:36-05:00Author Updates|

It’s In The Trees!

It's Coming! The words in the title and heading above are from the creepy 1950's movie –– The Night of the Demon, a Dana Andrews classic and one of my favorite early supernatural/horror movies. Those words were also used by the fabulous Kate Bush of 'Wuthering Heights' fame, introducing her track –– Hounds of Love. Kate is huge in England –– a legend. But I don't think she's that well known in the States. She's great –– check her out! [...]

2025-01-23T15:22:33-05:00Author Updates|

Imprints Of The Past

A Glance At England's Chalk Carvings I lived in East Sussex for many years. A land of rolling hills covered in trees that formed part of The Weald, a vast forest that once spread from Southampton to Ashford in Kent and whose trees had seen Julius Ceasar, and later the first Saxon invaders sweep in from wintry seas beyond. Many of those trees were mercilessly cut down during the Armada and Napoleonic Wars, but The Weald still exists in clumps and coppices throughout [...]

2025-01-23T15:22:31-05:00Author Updates|
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