Author Updates

Fantasy: Its Timeless Appeal

My parents never understood it. Many of my friends aren't into it, but tolerate me all the same. My grandfather loved it, so I guess it skipped a generation in this family. But what is it about the fantasy genre that still hooks people today? Escapism? Certainly. Vent for imagination? Absolutely. Game of Thrones and other addicting Telly? Too right! But mostly it's our love of stories. That endless internal quest for who we are and where we're from. Music, [...]

2025-01-23T15:21:04-05:00Author Updates|

Mercenary –The Early days.

Episode 1 She was a fine sight to be sure. That said, dark eyes and a wicked smile had got him into trouble before. But there was something different about Nalissa. She had the trademark deeply tanned skin, glossy black locks and shapely ankles of most Raleenian beauties. But Nalissa had a wild and wicked vivacity that hinted at greater delights beneath the tight bodice and torn skirt she, (sort of) wore. She’d caught the hem on a thorn as she’d [...]

2025-01-23T15:21:00-05:00Author Updates|


For what it's worth I'm misunderstood. People don't like me. But they fear me, and that's what counts in this life. It's what keeps a girl like me alive. I'm Zukei, by the way. You might of heard of me, I'm a killer, you see. That killer. The one who's wanted in seven countries. If you're my bounty you won't see me, just feel the cold steel puncturing your skin, and watch your lifeblood ebb in pools below. I'm not [...]

2025-01-23T15:20:57-05:00Author Updates|

New Horizons

Okay it's been awhile, and yes, I'm sorry about that. No excuses. Just been knee deep in tucking in the corners at The Glass Throne, (now at Editing HQ.) And, (exciting stuff this!) I've been studying the dark and medieval art of the Email Newsletter, (Thank you Arial Burnz!) So. Now that's out the way here's the thing. See the new covers above? Yeah, I know you'd rather keep looking at those than read this old chat. But, my friends, [...]

2025-01-23T15:20:51-05:00Author Updates|


I wait as wind chafes my cheeks blue and cold waters lap around my feet. High above, a skein of geese carve chevrons through slate skies as they wend south to warmer realms, their distant calls forlorn and remote. He comes... A small skiff. Him rowing, a shaggy figure clad in steel and fur. I loosen Wyrmfang, (my waraxe) hanging from my belt and strap the helmet secure with the leather clasp under my chin. It is time... Holmgang. The [...]

2025-01-23T15:20:44-05:00Author Updates|

The Baron’s Wife

It is dark in the passage. So dark. Her pale gown shimmers as she makes for the winding stairwell. The sconces gutter as night’s stormy wind pierces the Keep’s inner skin and freezes her bones. She feels nothing—hasn’t for years. Her face is a mask. Those once warm, honey eyes now glazed with sorrow, and the famous long braids disheveled wild and free. Free as her soul at last. She gains the stairs, taking them two at a time, her [...]

2025-01-23T15:20:28-05:00Author Updates|


Flies and dust. Greasy hair stuck to my face. My Longsword, Clouter, leans against the bar. My sax, Biter, hangs from my sword belt, my sweaty fingers drumming the hilt. Unfriendly eyes glance sly to where I'm seated. Alone. Thirsty. And in a rare ragged mood. Where the .... Is Hagan? My Partner these last few months. It's not safe to operate down here alone. Permio: desert realm, outside the Four Kingdoms and as nasty a nest of cutthroat and [...]

2025-01-23T15:19:59-05:00Author Updates|

Concerning Erun Cade

I watch as all around me dark waves surge and muster, striking causeway, frothing white and then falling back again, only to resume their eager timeless dance -- a ceaseless rhythm of water on stone. Wind tosses my hair disheveled and mocks my ears with laughing voices. Gulls swoop and circle above, their shrill cries joining the wind.'Fool,' it whispers, 'Dreamer!' the birds mewl. I ignore them every one, what care I for their assumptions? Clouds scurry ahead, remote heedless [...]

2025-01-23T15:19:54-05:00Author Updates|

The Baron’s Daughter

Mother left us that windy night midst winter's darkest hour. I never forgave her, casting that thin white body from the keep's tower, allowing it break like brittle clay on the rocks below -- a gift to the Sea God. She gave up, did mother. Deserted me. Left me with them. Father, fallen to drink and murderous brooding. My brothers three, to fighting, wenching and dealing such  harm as only they could to the small folk in the village. People [...]

2025-01-23T15:20:13-05:00Author Updates|

Dawn of Passion…A Gol Giveaway

  Next month Gol my first fantasy epic will feature as a Goodreads Giveaway. I will be mailing 10 copies to the winners, and with that in mind I thought I'd trawl back and spend a few minutes explaining the passion and drive I had writing this sizeable novel. Gol can either be read as a stand alone tale or as Book's 1&2 of my ongoing Legends of Ansu series (I'm currently writing The Glass Throne - Legend 4.) Gol [...]

2025-01-23T15:19:49-05:00Author Updates|
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