Author Updates

Meet the lead cast from Shattered Crown

Time to meet the leading four! First up Corin an Fol: orphan, mercenary and Longswordsman. Corin has a troubled past that works against him; he yearns for solace from war and strife. But he's got an attitude problem. Corin loves complicated women, but lacks the finesse to hook them, becoming tongue-tied and clumsy. He's lethal with that blade of his, and reckless brave when fighting (which is almost every day.) During the quest for the lost crown (the Tekara) Corin [...]

2025-01-23T15:16:39-05:00Author Updates|

New improved Shattered Crown

It's kind of cathartic in a sense - going back yet again, seeing Corin an Fol make his woody descent down to Finnehalle, his village, as evening sun slips below western water. I started writing The Shattered Crown back in the nineties, pen and paper, scribble and scrape. The story grew and grew, the characters all pressing me for bigger parts. I succumbed under pressure, hence SC morphed into Legends of Ansu, a wider story. This was represented for a [...]

2025-01-23T15:16:35-05:00Author Updates|

Back to Corin – swordplay and attitude!

Ok - so the Haven is done, subject to last minute tweaking after proofread. The story is succint and precise, bonding past with present and written in a modern upbeat style. The book is short - novella (perfect for kindle.) The script twists and turns frequently, and I think (and hope) will lure you, dear reader, until you are hooked. Certainly made a change writing contempory, and focussing on a spot I know just down the road - although ,discluding [...]

2025-01-23T15:16:31-05:00Author Updates|

February – cold and dry

Snowdrops winking sleepy under crac-creaky willow; lambs a-gambol in wind-lashed fields, and those first brave yellow daffodils  -waking up to promise of springtime after the long cold dark. The sap is rising, my friends: bleak winter in Cornwall shall soon relent his hold.It is a time of change.Change: that ever spinning wheel  - constant always shifting. What must those weary souls caught up in the Industrial Revolution have thought when they saw the first steam train rolling in? And the [...]

2024-01-19T16:11:00-05:00Author Updates|

The Haven – a tale to scare you witless

OK- a ghost story. Simple - or is it?.Primarily, make it scary and full of surprises, and then - set the backdrop somewhere local where people think: ( oh! I've been there and, well it did feel a bit creepy that afternoon, didn't it Nigel? Even if it didn't (and Nigel shakes his head,) Chinese whispers and auto-suggestion work wonders I find.The concept of course came from Rae, specifically two of her paintings - Maid of Haven and Anwyn, (we [...]

2024-01-19T16:10:48-05:00Author Updates|

Harbingers of Spring

They arrived yesterday my fledgling masterworks - shiny cling-wrapped harbingers of distant Spring. I'll illuminate: after so long beating against the winds of publishing/self-publishing, of launching eBooks and promoting manuscripts, it felt so good to feel the real deal in my grubby eager palms.Of course, there are only thirty - I didn't want to overdo it in a pre-launch, but after two years determined scribbling it's rewarding to see the finished product. Fall of Gol - first in a series [...]

2024-01-19T16:10:37-05:00Author Updates|

A writer’s journey

To explain this mad affliction I have to go back to the very beginning. You see, I grew up with trolls goblins and such - Tolkien's fault (oh, and Narnia - I lived in a world of magic from age 9 onwards, even a spell in the Guards couldn't drive it away completely.) But to create your own world? Pour life into wonderful and ghastly creatures - oh what sorcery is that! So a writer I had to be. Easy...? No.That [...]

2024-01-19T16:10:20-05:00Author Updates|

Pre-blog and a Happy New Year!!

Welcome to James Webb’s blog site.  I shall be entering my first post on Fri 4thJan at 6pm, and will certainly be inviting any who wish so to comment. The blog content will shed light on the trials and challenges of being a fantasy writer in the 21st Century.  I will be explaining more about my ongoing series ‘Legends of Ansu’ and my other writing projects, but also narrating the story of how I first happened upon Corin An Fol (the [...]

2024-01-19T16:10:13-05:00Author Updates|
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