Author Updates

Histology: the Dark and Distant past

Okay, so I've already discussed two origins for the fantasy arena: history and myth, or histology as I shall call it. Today I want to delve deeper, and if you don't mind, being of Celt and Saxon stock, I'll focus on the British Isles, my homeland. I have mentioned the Mabinogian, or Mabinogi before. These are old Welsh fables. Just how old they are is impossible to fathom, though I suspect their first echoes long predate the Fall of Rome. [...]

2025-01-23T15:18:34-05:00Author Updates|

Boat Dreams

Where did it start - this random, fascination with all (well most) things fantastical? The answer for me lies way back. When I was a lad my dad used to pilot the rescue boat for a local sailing club in over East Sussex, England. Most Saturdays and Sundays I accompanied him (whatever the weather), assisting stranded and capsized racing crew, and running the soaked survivors ashore for a quick hot toddy and pat on the back. We went out in [...]

2025-01-23T15:17:34-05:00Author Updates|

The Northman – Barin’s Legacy

I was born amidst the cold dark of northern winter. My place of birth, a cave hidden amongst the pine-cloaked knees of Valkador's three sentinel mountains. That night the wind's searching fingers penetrated the semi shelter where my mother, Bera, held her newborn son. It was touch and go that first night, but somehow mother and son survived. And so started my story: Barin the Northman, wayfarer and sea voyager, redoubtable warrior and ale swiller. Born in exile whilst my [...]

2025-01-23T15:18:12-05:00Author Updates|

Fantasy – a Heady Cocktail of History and Myth

'Okay, define fantasy' - someone once said. 'Where does it evolve from and what are its sources? And why is this genre so popular?' The answer lies deep within our own subconscious, like the monster lurking beneath the sleepless child's bed. It's that weird little voice hinting who we are, featuring in our dreams; kidnapping whimsical thoughts whilst we cruise the interstate, listening to hard rock - or maybe classic FM. Imagination is a big part of it, and a [...]

2025-01-23T15:17:26-05:00Author Updates|

Out of The Woods

Okay, first up I apologise for being absent for so long, (over a year - where has the time gone?). To use the word hectic is to understate. But enough nonsense, I'll cut to the quick. Corin and company have finally crawled out of those woods. They've a few scars, cuts and bites - mostly awarded by Queen Ariane,  (featured right of page in faerie mode). This blog kicks off J.W.Webb's Blogfest. A series of 'weekly waffles' about writing fantasy, [...]

2025-01-23T15:17:11-05:00Author Updates|

Please excuse me while I belch profanities.

To swear or not to swear - that is the question... Okay - so I've just tidied up a nasty scrap down in Kranek Harbour. Our boys were in the .... they didn't know what to ....... do and things were generally getting out of hand. Nothing new there. That dreadful assassin fellow was doing awful things to our leading lady, whilst Dumb and Dumber were fending off all manner of ugliness with their steely blades. General chaos, really - [...]

2025-01-23T15:17:07-05:00Author Updates|

The Trouble With Corin…

The trouble with Corin is that it's always someone elses fault. Sure it's been a rough life what with him being an orphan and all. Then he goes and joins the Wolves - a regiment well known (and well despised) comprising every cuthroat, cutpurse and general nuisance. Of course he excels in his role of chief havoc operative with that nasty long blade of his. But our boy lacks patience, falls out with the long people. That temper of his... [...]

2025-01-23T15:17:04-05:00Author Updates|

Shifting Horizons

Ok, so when the world turns up side down you have to turn with it. Don't ask why just smile and hang on. If you're trapped spinning in the tumble dryer you have to hold to hoping that some kind soul will eventually switch it off. You'll fall out, your hair will look crap, but hey you'll be fine. Trust your hunches and roll with the punches as Jimmy Buffett would say. So when everything you thought you knew about promotion and publishing goes topsy turvy, [...]

2025-01-23T15:16:58-05:00Author Updates|

Ansu – a casual introduction to an evolving world

OK - first big apologies for the tardiness of this entry. Many excuses - none suffice but, well... back here now. The Haven is ready after being proofed by the excellent Julia Gibbs @juliaproofreader and Shattered Crown almost there. Been a long road - hard, twisted and challenging, but worth every mile. Being back in Ansu with Corin left me feeling I needed to expose my far-reaching goals for this forthcoming fantasy series. So for this entry my purpose is to [...]

2025-01-23T15:16:53-05:00Author Updates|

Dawn of Chronicles – Corin is back!

I received three stunning images from Roger Garland last week, one for each of the Chronicles of Corin. I already have an over-image for the Chronicles on my website. These new artworks are dazzling and I think will really help the books fly. For The Shattered Crown we have an eagle-prowed ship, a wolf god and a churning ocean, with Oroonin's all -seeing eye in background. The Glass Crown shows Caer Carranis my city beset by Vaarg the firedrake, with [...]

2025-01-23T15:16:48-05:00Author Updates|
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